Welcome to the website dedicated to the implementation of the project Manor House Susanna - Museum Experience, which takes place in the historic complex in Markušovce, Slovakia. This complex is decorated with a historic manor house, a summer house and a French park. There is also a historical farm building - Manor House Susanna. Unlike the manor house and the summer house, this building is currently in poor technical condition.
The purpose of this project is therefore the complete renovation of the entire building into a multifunctional cultural object. We will create facilities for visitors, professional employees, as well as the general professional public. There will also be new exhibitions that will combine three main themes:
- the life of the aristocratic Máriássy family in Spiš region
- the history of the wood processing and furniture industry in the Spiš region
- presentation of traditional folk culture in Spiš, including minorities
However, this project does not end here. The entire exhibition, which will cover two thirds of the building, will be enriched with elements of augmented reality and other modern technologies with the help of Gagarín, an Icelandic company with many years of experience in creating interactive exhibitions. The project will also include the organization of various events and creative workshops for the general public in cooperation with a local vocational woodworking school. The project will also cover a preparation of a complex marketing strategy, which will bring the project to the attention of the general public.

Special thanks
The project Kúria Zuzana - an experience in a museum, received a grant from the EEA Financial Mechanism and the contribution of the state budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 1 211 094 and from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the contribution of the state budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 274 360. The project was co-financed from the budget of the Košice Self-Governing Region in the amount of € 2.6 million. The aim of the project is the complete renovation of the historic farm building (curio) in the historic manor house complex in the village of Markušovce and the subsequent installation of exhibitions using augmented reality. A parallel objective is the creation of better facilities for the work of professional staff and the realisation of creative workshops or workshops for the professional and general public.
Project overview
Project promoter: Spiš Museum in Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia
Grant amount (EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021.
State Budget of the Slovak Republic): 1 485 454,00 €
Financing of the project from the budget of the Košice Self-Governing Region: more than 2 600 000,00 €
Project start: january 2021
Project duration: 48 months
Project partners: Gagarín ehf., SOŠ Drevárska, OOCR Slovenský Raj & Spiš