Financial partners
EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021 & State budget of the Slovak Republic
Košice self-governing region
Project partners

Gagarín is an Icelandic experiential design studio creating interactive exhibitions that will leave a lasting impression on every visitor. Gagarín has more than 20 years of experience in this field and is still making progress thanks to the acquisition of new technologies. In our project, they will participate in the implementation of augmented reality into a new ethnographic exhibition. Thanks to it, the visitor will be able to authentically experience the folk customs of our ancestors living in Spiš region.
Brúarvogur 1-3
104 Reykjavík
Tel.: +354 510 9300

Stredná odborná škola drevárska
In the past, the economic development of Spiš was largely conditioned by the use of wood, which made it possible to develop existing and open new woodworking and furniture crafts. This school was founded on September 24, 1899 and still operates today. In cooperation with the school, one of the expositions in the reconstructed Manor House Susanna will be dedicated to the rich history of wood processing in Spiš. SOŠ Drevárska will also participate in the organization of craft workshops in the Markušovce historical complex.
Filinského 7
052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Tel.: +421 534 424246

Oblastná organizácia cestovného ruchu Slovenský raj & Spiš
The Regional Tourism Organization Slovak Paradise and Spiš is an organization focused on the development of tourism in the unique Spiš region. It was created on March 1st, 2016 by merging OOCR Spiš and OOCR Slovenský raj. Through their activities, they spread enthusiasm for the natural and cultural heritage of Spiš. In this project, they will act as a promotion partner, where they will use their rich experience and network to effectively promote the project by attracting visitors to the newly established exhibitions.
Nábrežie Hornádu 14
052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Tel.: +421 948 846 506